What to expect in a Soul Coaching session with me:
“What usually happens in a session?” I am repeatedly asked this question and still have not found an easy way to answer it! I can say, there is no typical. We will start our time together with setting intention for the session. Are you hoping to communicate with loved ones in spirit? Are you looking for clarity and direction for a specific area in your life or your life’s path?
Are you experiencing acute or chronic issues within your physical, emotional, or energetic body?
Do you feel stuck in relationships or feeling blocked while attempting to make movement towards manifesting the life you desire?
Have you been experiencing an increased awareness of your own connection to the Spiritual nature and want to explore your unique gifts and talents?
You may say “YES!” to one or all of these areas, or be clear as mud. Either way, by putting our attention on your intentions, we are able to see a plan for your healing and expansion take shape.
A client once said to me “I love watching you work. You’re like a bloodhound, circling and sniffing around. Then when you find an opening, you move in like a shark!”
While that might seem aggressive to some, I wholeheartedly agree with her. I see it as actively exploring and witnessing you on multidimensional levels as I look for the ‘ripe fruit that’s ready for harvest;’ those things that are presenting themselves, in the moment, to be released and healed. This is where our work together then gets dynamic. I then utilize the modalities that will bring about the most direct healing that is waiting for you. Although I call myself a Healer, I am not the one who heals you. I simply SEE you and create an ideal environment and offer you tools for you to discover the healer within yourself.