My Journey
At a young age, I internalized a false belief that I could not trust myself. Impending doom was my constant companion, even though those around me held smiles and spoke messages of "You’re fine! Everything is fine!" I couldn't reconcile these two opposing sentiments. So I learned to cut myself off from these deep knowings in order to fit into the world around me.
I perfected a way of compartmentalizing the parts of myself that didn't fit the narratives of those around me to temporarily settle the conflict within. With each attempt to quiet my inner voices, I became more and more disconnected from my self and, in turn, those around me. I got to a point where I could no longer distinguish my voice from the voice of others. Although this anesthetized the immediate pain and confusion, it also cut me off from sovereignty over my life. It wasn’t until I began to extract myself from an 8 year abusive marriage that this lack of sovereignty propelled me to isolate and get reacquainted with my own voice once more.
During this time, I withdrew into my internal world. Here, I could no longer ignore the voices within. They were like prisoners who began to riot and demanded to be heard. This isolation became the cocoon in which all of the false beliefs about who I was liquefied. One by one, the parts of myself that I had so carefully segregated, began to integrate as I endeavored to lovingly acknowledge and embrace the rejected emotions and abandoned needs of my soul.
As I did this work, I found the fortitude to love myself in all the ways I had desired others to love me. This is where I emerged and began to unfurl my wings into a new life; a life of honoring all parts of myself, without judgment. This journey of self love introduced me to my Self, my Soul, my Intuition. Learning to trust my Soul raised my vibration and allowed me to see the world in ways I had only dreamed of. This higher vibration brought me into alignment with the world of Spirit. This aligned, connected state is what empowers the work that I do to support others along their journey.